All One Big (Dysfunctional) Family, I Adore It
8:56 am - Saturday, Jul. 27, 2002

I actually find it highly entertaining that my baby's diary forces us to defend our relationship to the people out there who just don't understand.

Ahh, they just don't know. I wouldn't stay this long if I didn't feel what I do. I'm not much of one for relationships lasting more then a month. Look what happend with Adam.

But Chris isn't like him. Chris is differant. And wonderful. I'm all giddy, in love.

I miss him, but he's not going to be home all day. Baby went fishing before I could even consider thinking about wakeing up. I didn't get to say goodbye. Ay, I'm all hyped. I'll say goodbye here.

Sweetness, Have a great day. Catch lots of fishes. Stay warm because I don't want you to get any sicker. Drink plenty of water, but sip it, don't gulp, it's better for your tummy that way. Don't drink [alcohol], you'll just feel worse. Wear a sweater, it's cold out, and hat, and mittens. Okay, not all that, but I feel all motherly when I get to take care of you. Just stay warm and (moderatly) dry and happy. I love you.

There we are. He'll see it. And I can only hope he comes back home before I do, so I can complain about my day in all the best ways.

I'm spending the day with my extended family on my Dad's side. Sometimes I'm highly overwhelmed by the white-trash and prison records, but I love them. They're some of the most lively people I know.

Plus I'll get to hear a hundred emarrasing stories from my youth, what happend while Melissa was in prison and where the hell Danny is now. I adore my family. I just hope they never go anywhere near Chris. Just joking of course (no I'm not).

Especially not my Mom's side. If my Dad's side is the jolly, chubby, Jesus freak, southern and California white trash side. We can describe my Mom's side as the tall, educated, too smart for thier own good, New York, East coast, insane.

See the problems on my Dad's side come from bad breeeding a few generations back (I'm sure) and growing up where it's okay to let 6-7 trucks rust on your front lawn, Problems on my mom's side comes from being insane, total mental disorders.

I really do adore my family.

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