Freedom To Personal Expression?
1:39 pm - Saturday, May. 25, 2002

I have not been in the mood to write anything at all lately. My mind doesn't feel the spin that makes me want to sit here and bitch about Adam and whine about school. I know you miss it terribly.

Here, I'll rant about another topic that has appered frequently in my diary. Freedom of speech. That is, the freedom to say whatever you please in your online diary. Anyone who read during the begaining of April, know I was having troubles with friends having this URL. Mostly because, I don't want to get bitched at for posting what I please in my diary. Seriously people, if you don't like it, don't read it. Simple as that.

I've heard too many times the defense that it's online. The fact that it is online doesn't make any less of a diary for me. Before anyone I knew got the URL, I was completely truthful. After friends began to read it, alot got deleted. My first entry was originally the fourth, the fourth originally my eleventh.

I didn't save those entries. I just deleted. I wish they were somewhere on my computer. It seems such a pussy ass thing to do. Censoring yourself for other seems so pointless. I hate to do that, because this is my diary. It's easier for me to keep this online, and it's fun to have people I don't know read it. I like thinking there's a purpose to writting.

But defending my views, or my choice to delete, or my hope thet everyone I know will at some point lose all intrest in reading this, and stop, none of these are what this entry are about.

What it is about, is coming now. I came across a diary today that made me wonder (see May 17 & 18). Can your position at school, work, etc... really be revoked or questioned because of your writings in an online journal.

Is it really an accurate judge of charecter? Is it fair to read an online diary to find out about someones qualifications? Does the fact it's online really override the fact that it's a personal journal?

I suppose it does. But the fact that this guy could get removed from a position merely because of what he wrote in his diary makes me wonder. Can the same thing happen to me?

I put my email address on my resumes because my mother makes me. She says it's best to provide as many lines of communication as possible. The point is, a simple google search for my email address turns up the profile to this diary. Am I allowed to be worried by this? Can I be refused a job becasue I refer to drugs or alcohol in my diary?

Needless to say, I will be removing my email address from my profile today. But I really have to wonder what happend to freedom of speech.

In other news:

Adams an ass and school sucks

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