Aladdin Has A Hot Body
3:55 pm - Saturday, May. 25, 2002

I should have transcribed the following days ago, but like I said, I've been in no mood to write.


We watched Aladdin in Government today as part of our pizza party (hey, it's the end of the year). It seems at some point, Disney movie go from being the best movies ever, to dirty and mockable. And yes, we had to rewind four times at the part where it sounds like Aladdin says, "Take off your clothes" to Jasmin. The following comments were written by me, taken from other people.

"This movie would be good if he kicked someones ass instead of singing all the time like a pussy. This guys a fucking whiner, WAH!"

"Aladdin's got a hot body."

"aww... that tiger is so cute."
"Yeah, but you're not attracted to the sultan."

"Is it really so unuseual for an inatimate object to come to life and understand english and monkey?"

Really, at some point you relize, you grew up with tales of lies and that making fun of them is too easy.

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