I Need A Topic...
4:23 pm - Saturday, Jan. 12, 2002

I just typed this long ass entry, and for the first time ever, i lost it. I lost my entry. How the hell does that happen, why did it just dissapear. I can't type it on word first because I'm at the library. Damn oh damn.


I could retype it..

sigh. Okay here i am, and I am supposed to be researching a ton of stuff. Japanese internment, mental health, clinical depression, and finding a topic for my research paper, i was thinking the hollywood blacklist, but i'm not sure I care enough.

If you have any ideas, i really would love to hear them, but send me an email. [email protected]

You know what I really hate? that i had this all typed out and I managed to lose it. lose it all. if that happens again, i'll end up that girl in the middle of the library kicking and screaming and throwing a fit, surrounded with papers about japanese internment and blacklisting and everyone will go, ahh.. the stress just got to her, and I'll ahve to spenp the rest of my days in a straight jacket, all because of stupid diaryland

what i really set out to say here to is that i am sick and tierd of Rahnia not supporting my relastionship with Kevin. I relize that she isn't used to seeing with someone besides Adam, but she really needs to give conner a chance beacsue he makes me really really really happy. I don't see why she's so down on me about it. alot of people do support because I am so happy, but no, not my best friend of anything. I just don't know how i am supposed to deal with this.

well this is no where near what I had earlier, but I have to leave her at five, because it is my mum's birthday, but I better go. would it kill ya to email me? How bout you Kevin?


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