Fall Into Your Hands I Commend My Spirit
4:53 pm - Wednesday, May. 15, 2002

Rahnia made me brownies... not her, just me... stupid whore ate some of them too...

I made her lemonade, and ramen (all by myself, really).

And I have gone momentarily insane.

Oh yes... where was I going with this... I remember... another one of my and Chris' lovely deals...

If Rahnia and Adam get back together between the hours of 8am and 8pm, he gets oral sex (ha, right), and if it's between the hours of 8pm and 8am then i get it. Hell yeah...

Maybe I need to keep up to date on our other deal, which is, if we are not dateing, and I get preganant, and the baby's father takes of, or is unknowen (more likely), then Chris will step in as the father and move in with me and take care of me, uh... I mean the kid... with me that is, yeah thats right...

I like when it's sunny, the world looks all shiny. I wish I had my camera for photos. Time to scream along to 'Chop Suey' with my precious Rahnia chick.

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