And The Sex Enters The Picture...
12:16 am - Thursday, May. 16, 2002

I was woken by an odd call earlier, a wrong number. Penis that.

I'm trying to stay up late, because Chris said he's try to call me. I don't really see it happening though. *cry*

I miss him bunches. excuse me while I spend the reminder of this entry gushing...


I'm so glad everything is working between me and Chris now. I hate when we fight, despite the fact that our arguments rarely last more then thirty minutes because we get distracted and then come back to it later and talk it out.

I hate fights. I feel so bad when we have them. It rarely happens though. I feel the whole distance thing is just going to feel worse and worse as we go along, but he's trying to save up to move here.

Alot of other couples fight way, way more. Adam and I did, oh yeah, we did. Rahnia and Adam did. Joe and Lindsey have been having terrible fights.

I think having sex with a person promotes arguments in a relationship. Seriously, I think you take everything more seriously after sex comes into it. Everytime thier near some other girl or something, it feels cause for immediant jealousy. Something about giving yourself to a person makes you feel they should never hurt your feelings again because your shareing such a big part with them.

I know what I'm thinking, but I'm not sure I know what I'm writting. I need rest.

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