It Means So Much
10:09 pm - Tuesday, Sept. 16, 2003

Would you want me when I'm not myself?
Wait it out while I am someone else?

One day and it's a mass of tears I don't understand, because something he said struck that depression and inside. Somehow one little comment turned into a fight with my mind. A horrible argument of self-worth, that I was losing.

Maybe it was only that feeling that made me want to look closer. But something did it for me. And today everyone seemed so wonderful. The Rahnia, Jula, Sylvia, Kelsi, Michelle, everyone mix.

Walking into the glow of the beautiful sunset was a wonderful pleasant saddness that told me how much Kelsi meant to me, and how much she used to and how close I could bring us to losing that.

I felt loved today.

But then again, when I told them what happend last night, not one of them said, "No, I love you".

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