8:10 pm - Monday, Sept. 15, 2003

I can't help myself, and I start to question it all. Why am I doing my homework, when I don't really care? Why am I taking geology if all I need is an english credit? What is it I want to do with my life, anyway?

I wan't to write, and I choose all these career choices that steer away from that, because I don't believe it to be a real profession, and I don't belive myself good enough to persue it.

I don't know what's really stopping me though. I have paper and printer ink, a mind and an idea. I could write it all, I could print it out, and make it a little cover. I could ask anyone who still reads this if they would like a copy, and I could mail it to them all.

Would anyone say yes though? Could I write something and send it to a large number, or would that just include my close friends and a handful of people who said, what the hell, I need something to read?

Would it be impressive? Would the dialouge sound right? Do I have the time?

But, most of all, would anyone care?

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