To Bush
2:27 pm - Wednesday, Sept. 17, 2003

Dear Mr. President,

I'm not quite sure why it is that I am writing this, except maybe that something Michael Moore said moved me. He said that you looked down on the American people in not at least planting weapons in Iraq to make us think that maybe you gave us a little credit for the intelligence we do possess.

I think he�s right. I think that he had a point there. I do realize he�s just as powerful a propagandist as yourself, but what he said really struck me. Because, you see, I�ve always loved the people of my country, even when I didn�t agree with the government�s doings. And now recently, the fact that there has been so little outcry against your �wag the dog� war, I have begun to lose that faith. I am angry with you. I hate you as our president. And I hate people for not speaking up against your false savior of Lynch and your staged statue toppling. Something�s wrong here when I�m mad at the people I�d always believe to be genuinely good.

Once, as a child I saw on television an art piece depicting American society. An American flag going down the toilet in a jail cell, and perhaps you�ve seen it. Well, at the time, that image hurt. It hurt a lot, and all I could think was, that isn�t the American people, that is so wrong. That�s when faith in the government began its decline, and my faith in my fellow American�s grew. It was that faith in the people of my country, and my wanting of well being to them all that made me sad for September 11th, even if it�s now been commercialized and over publicized and used as an excuse to control the people of this country with threats and the FBI. It still makes me sad for the people. And it makes me sad for the country I now live in.

The worst part of it all though, is the reason people stopped the outcry, is because you chose to be deaf to it. You chose to ignore it, and now they feel they have nothing left to do but sit and wait until election 2004 and hope that people recognize that facts more than the political party they stand under when they make the choice.

You are not the real president, and when didn�t chose you. Our voting system is flawed, and you see it. But the chips fell in you favor, so you see no need to tweak the system, unless it be to extend your time in office. Perhaps indefinitely, perhaps you believe we�d be better off with a dictator. I�m sure you�ve noticed the parallels in your ideals and those of Hitler�s. But let me note to you what Hitler did right that you did not. He took a poor country and made it economically sound, you did quite the opposite. He made himself respected by his country; you too, did the opposite. And he, and I say this as a Jew, was quite intelligent. Once again, you, not so much.

Where I�m going with this letter, I am not entirely sure, but I would like you to do a favor for me in the name of my faith in the public. Please, don�t not run again for office. I know you are probably going to scoff at this request, because one young girls request that you step down to save her faith in America is hardly enough for you to toss away a political career for, but please consider it. Consider it for the people you silenced, the anger you�ve caused, the lives you�ve ended and young ones who want to know that they can actually make a positive difference in this world.

-Megan E.

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