English Class Rant
6:47 pm - Wednesday, Nov. 27, 2002

Razor sharp verbs.

I say find yourself in writing, not fit yourself to writing. I disagree with his lesson plan and want to refuse to learn. Close off my mind, ignore the handouts and in complete defiance insist on writing in only my style, because I�m sure she�s great but I refuse to be Patricia Smith.

It angers me that he can push these topics into our reading; yet give me that look when I write it. Clears his throat, avoids my eyes, and says, �Write about whatever you please.�

Why would I give my words to him? I wonder where he stole his from; they don�t fit in his mouth, I know they haven�t become his yet before he throws them away on me. You are unoriginal, I dislike your teaching and I am turning my mind off to you.

Give me free verse and blank verse as you scrape your tongue with razors to remove the words you�ve grasped from the ink of others. I will write to me, and I won�t let you claim my words.

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