Vanilla Frosting Curealls
4:03 pm - Wednesday, May. 08, 2002

I crashed almost as soon as I got home from Spiderman last night. I went and saw it with Adam.

My english teacher read my essay she said it was good, but obvious I was trying to cover feelings with my last few paragraphs.

I suppose I was. but now I'm not even sure what my feelings are.

Adam made me cry today. In chemistry, he was being really bossy, and taking over our lab, and he managed to screw it up. This wasn't so bad because we had time, but he was being an ass about my getting upset at him about it. He kept telling me there was no reason to flip out, and I'd tell him I was made because I really need a good grade, and he'd mock me and I'd say lets just drop it, and he's respond with 'you're the one jabbering about it' and then we'd stop until he'd point our again that there was nor eason to flip out, and we'd get into it again.

I despise him sometimes. He made me feel really terrible. I dunno, I just felt terrible. And it made me cry.

And then I called Chris after school because I felt like shit, and wanted to be able to talk to him. He didn't even ask how I was though, so I decided to skip it.

Now here I am, eating vanilla frosting from the container and listening to 'Online Songs' by Blink 182... it's an interesting life I lead...

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