The Inside Of My Arm, Green Marker, 4 PM
4:28 pm - Wednesday, May. 08, 2002


I am easily intimadated by those my age. When I'm with a group of friends, it's not a problem. But when I'm alone, I don't know what it is, but I feel overpowerd for no reason.

Sometimes I feel like I have no place in others lives, like they keep me around becuase they don't know how to get rid of me.

Sometimes I wonder if Kai feels this way. I worry we don't treat Kai nicely enough. We love Kai, we really do.

I feel the need to brush my teeth, even though I did it about ten minutes ago.

I prefer to sit crossed legged to anything else.

My room feels colder when it's messy. This does not make me feel like cleaning. Just like leaving. Useually I refuse to leave my room.

I haven't taken any pictures for weeks. I have film in my camera. I have film to take to Safeway. Pictures from New York and Maryland. Sure would like to see those.

I'm so hungry, and so so broke. I have no idea what to do about this situation, and therefore will sit on my ass until It's time to sleep, and in turn, get absolutely nothing accomplished.

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