Black Cherry Is The Best
8:18 pm - Friday, Apr. 05, 2002

I got more sleep... and I feel nice... but I think it's odd that I'm falling asleep so early all the time now... when I'm talking to chris it's because of his voice... it makes me quite lathargic... but besides that... i'm not sure....

I wanted to do something with Shelly tonight but I fell asleep... damn... maybe we can do something next weekend... or after that... sometime soon...

After school today Kai and I wandered around... it was cool... I like Kai... and he was fun to talk to...

After that i went home and talked to Chris about what I'd done today... i crashed at some point here...

I'm in one of those on the verge moments... where I'm not feeling much and I know my emotions have to be prepareing to go really good or really bad... they're just waiting for a trigger in one direction or the other.... I hate hitting extremes... but it happens at times....

I want Kool-aid

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