Bee Spray
2:21 pm - Sunday, Jun. 09, 2002

I need to hire someone to live at my house and kill bees for me.

You see, bees didn't used to be a problem because I had my nifty spray. This spray was God's gift to me. It shot a strong, long, spray of bee killer. Seriously, I could kill a bee from like 10 feet away, in mid air (aim permitting).

I am no longer allowed to use said spary though. My dad feels it stains the furniture and isn't good for us to be breathing in since it kills so quickly.

I am extremely bitter about this since it means I no longer have the power over the bees. I'm goign to have to resort to giving up my fears and killing bees on my own, or (and this is more likely) hireing a live in bee killer. I'll give them half of my allowance each week.

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