I Stumbled Upon You And Gratefully Basked In Your Rays
10:39 pm - Saturday, Jun. 08, 2002

I am so happy right now. Chris and I have been talking... *happy sighs*... excuse me while I talk about him...

He is the greatest guy I have ever knowen. He's sweet and fun. I am so so happy all the time because of him.

He has the nicest voice. It's so calm and sexy and soothing.

I want to be with him so badly. I want him so badly. I just want to snuggle up close to him and feel the warmth from his cheast and listen to his heart beat until I fall asleep.

I love when he plays with me hair, or pets my head. It's adoreable.

I love the feel of his lips. I love when he kisses my forehead. I love the way he holds me. I love the way he pulls me against him. It makes me feel like he can't stand one more second with me away.

God, I miss him. I feel like a hardly know him sometimes... and other times I feel no one has ever allowed me to know so much of them. I'm not even sure I make sense.

The point is... I am the luckiest girl in the world.

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