A Day For Animals
10:26 pm - Friday, May. 10, 2002

I saw a rat outside of a cage for the first time today. Adam and I were strolling on the floating docks and I saw this little creature crawling under the benches.

I've seen 'wild' mice before, my cat thinks it's a great idea to bring them into the house still alive, but i have never seen a rat like that.

I was really scared one of the rats would poke it's head up between the slots that space apart the boards it's made out of, and bite my ankle. I'm a whimp.

Most of my evening was spent on the waterfront, which was fine with me.

For a while Adam, Michelle, and I just hung out in the grass near the docks and watched some of the Dragonboat teams practicing. I really wish that I wasn't leaving town the weekend i=of the races, otherwise I would have been on the team, or I could at least watch them compete.

Even after Shelly left we stayed in that grassy area talking to people, and playing hackey sack, which I've never done before. Finnaly everyone left to go home, or meet people for Friday night plans. That kind of thing.

Adam and I walked around downtown and went to Taco Del Mar. I love that place.

Then we went back to the waterfront and read various plaques and looked at all the random, pointless memorials and statues our little city has.

Came home, had to deal with Family. My Grandmas here for the weekend, but I'm gone for most of it. Not sure yet if I'm relived or dissapointed.

Supposed to be cleaning my room.

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