The Story Of Today
9:40 pm - Sunday, Apr. 07, 2002

Okay... an actual overview of today...

First of all... I was late... and to anyone who knows me... this is no big deal... but the point is I was late... I woke up when I should be leaving... very useual for me actually...

Then when I got there... I don't know... I was hit with nervousness... which for as loud as I am... is pretty normal...

So I spent a ton of time being nervous and teasing him... which is my best defense against nerves...

I bought coffee and we started wandering around downtown... we looked at alot of those little artsy cows that are going to be auctioned off and basically we saw parts of downtown... includeing walking through the park blocks... which used to be my favorite place downtown... but now I rarely go down there...

besides that... I hardly remember where we wandred... I do remember that i was hungry so we went to Saturday Market because I wanted a gyro...

I was really nervous to eat in front of him... but I managed...

then when we were wandering a bit more he put his gold chain on me... and I really like it... i like how it sparkles... it reminds me of his eyes... they have this shine to them but they are really warm... like coffee...

then we went to the Max because i decided we should see a movie... partly because i thought it would be fun... and partly because i always have more confidence in the dark....

While we were waiting for the Max I got to lean against him and just rest and talk to him and kiss and all that... it was sweet....

Then we went to Lloyd Center... and I decided we should see Van Wilder... cause I really wanna see it... and I didn't think I should see Big Trouble without Rahnia...

We bought tickets and then I told Chris it was fine with me if he played Dance Dance Revolution... so he did... it was so cute... he was in such a hurry to get to the machine and try... and he looked good doing it... like he lost the second song... but if you were just watching him... you would have thought he knew exactually what he was doing... and thats when his girlfriend realized this obbsession had gone too far...

After this... I made him go to F.Y.E. with me so that I could buy a cd (Dasboard Confessional, The Places You Have Come To Fear The Most)... and then we went to find out how much time we had left... we still couldn't get in for twenty minutes... so we went to Barnes and Noble and sat and talked for a while... sometimes I worry I am too truthful... at least when guys ask me direct questions... I useually only lie when people ask 'whats wrong'... thats beacuse they already know that somehting is wrong.. nothing means I don't feel the need to disscuss it right then... nothing, I was thinking... means that i was just thinking...

then we went to the pay phone so that i could call my dad and then we headed up to the movie just in time...

It's a funny movie... and i felt so right there in his arms... i got to kiss him... it was nice... the only problem... he doesn't open his mouth wide enough when he kisses... but guys sometimes require training... differant girls like differant things....

After that we caught the little trolly and went back downtown and got to sit there for a couple of minutes before he saw his family was there... I have him a goodbye hug and kiss and left to go catch my bus... I was so happy....

It took nearly twenty minutes for me to stop being so estatically happy that I relized I don't get to see him again for a while...

I am in love...

I don't remember what i felt like before... i was in love... but this is way differant... it's better... this is incredible...

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