7:09 pm - Tuesday, Dec. 11, 2001

I went to Kevin's again. At one point when I was in his room, his mom's boyfriend tried to open the door, and found out it was locked. Then later, after they lit the candles on the manorah, his mom handed him condoms and said something like, use these religously and nice locked door.

Of course, who knows, he may just need those things. Hehehe, I think that is SO funny. He thinks it is embarrassing.

Besides that, I've been trying to get a hold of both Adam and Rahnia, but niether of them are home. Not that I am surprised.

Rahnia has been a little distant lately, it hurts. I don't want her to space away from me. She's my best friend.

Adam says that she is too attached to Leo and that Amanda is too. He says they are going to get hurt some how. And I'm beganning to think it is true. Leo is not the kind of guy you can trust your feelings with. Rahnia and him have been so off and on, and they have only dated once. And John, who is in love with Amanda, is scary. I swear he is the kind of guy who would beat on his wife and kids, beacuse he's on the wreastling team and has some MAJOR anger managment problems.

I was supposed to go to the grotto tonight, because the choirs were singing there, but I spaced it out while I was at Kevins. I seem to lose all track of time over there. But it's alot of fun. Maybe I'll make plans with him this weekend. Like saturday, because that is the day Adam works.

That way Adam can't get mad at me.

Life is confusing sometimes.

Oh shit, i just realized that my health book is at Kevins.


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