It's Okay To Dance Around It And Have It Your Way
2:14 pm - Tuesday, Nov. 30, 2004
Song: Jason Mraz - Conversation With Myself

I�m in an odd sort of haze. There seems to be so much to do, such much due, so much lying on me right this very moment, and yet none of it needs to be done now. I can work on it tomorrow, don�t you know. There are no pressing deadlines, no due dates. There is an infinite amount of time in which to get it all done. Why worry, why fret? School, it�s simple, it�s easy.

Too many other, more important, things stealing my focus right now. Things like the feeling of eyelashes on the check. The soft brush of lips coming in for the first kiss in a week, the joy of buying and giving gifts for the holidays, and the simple pleasure of getting to kick back without owing your time, your mind, your anything to anyone else.

So instead of writing papers, instead of the mass media final that seems so simple to do, instead of taking notes for anthropology, well I wrote Rahnia back, I shopped online for gifts and set aside money for a trip to target, I fantasized about the ballroom dancing I�d like to learn so I can spin like in White Christmas. Ah, there�s this simple contentedness taking over.

Life is full of that simple kind of love: The snow flurry kind that settles on you at the oddest times. Sometimes conditions are just right. Sometimes it sticks. And then again others, you�re only momentarily basked in the joy of it.

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