She Had High Hopes
3:58 pm - Monday, Nov. 08, 2004

8:30 am
So now, against all my better judgement, my hopes are flying high. I tried to keep them down, but it's too hard.

It was too hard to keep them down when he sent in his application. And I tried to think nothing of it when we get accepted because we both knew what stood in the way of our getting what we want. So we waited to be let down.

We were failed in that. And no, my hopes are soaring, because Kev got accepeted for winter term, and got his aide money, and now all he needs to jump is the tiny hurdle of housing applications (nothing at all) and he'll be here. Starting January 2nd I will not be in a long distance relationship.

That is shocking. I've been in a long distance relationship for the last two and 3/4 years, with the exception of two months I got to just be Kevin's girlfriend in Portland.

As of January 2, 2005, I won't have to do it anymore.

My hopes have topped the charts.

Update - 3:58 pm

He got turned down for financial aide afetr all. PSU was wrong.

Update - 4:34 pm

I don't want to be in long distance relationships any more. But I made a promise.

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