Are You Going To Spend Your Life... Standing In The Back, Looking Around
1:06 pm - Tuesday, Nov. 02, 2004
Song: CNN

I�m sure none of you will be surprised to hear that I voted Kerry. Carefully filling in the John Kerry and John Edwards bubble, and then again and again.

Now I sit hear, it was NPR this morning, and it�s CNN now. Election coverage. Constant election coverage.

By this point I know I am not going to change anyone�s mind. I know we�ve all been set on our candidate for quite some time. I�m just glued to the TV to know where these set decisions are leading us. To know who our president will be, to know what value civil liberties have in this state, and to know what�s important to our country.

I haven�t watched so many straight hours of news since� well since September 11th 2004.

Even more, that day reminds me how important it is that we vote, that we bring a new president in, and that we save our country from the downward spiral our country has entered into. There�s a reason that France and other European countries are rooting for Kerry: Bush has ruined our countries international image, which believe me, was poor prior to this disastrous administration.

I�m watching, watching, glued to the TV and nervous.

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