My Entry About How I Want To Kiss You
2:17 am - Friday, Jul. 02, 2004
Song: Maroon 5 - She Will Be Loved

When you love someone, every bit of bare skin becomes fair area for the kissing game. Lying next to one another in bed, the shoulder or the arm or the hand that catches the breath you exhale is open land for your lips to softly brush. Here in this tangled world that�s always too hot, you�re always pressing your mouth against something.

He holds you and you press hands and lips against his chest. And when he comes up behind you he spatters your shoulders with soft lips like freckles after a day in the sun. Arms wrapped around your waist and you�d rather turn around and bask in his soft attentions then finish anything ever from this point forward.

When you love someone you lay in the dark together, and you feel so sleepy, but you can�t take yourself away from one another to live in those separate sleep worlds. Not until things have been resolved, not until that last beautiful little kiss lies upon your own skin. You lay together, and your lips touch, and you smile too wide for any real kissing to occur. But smile kissing isn�t bad kissing, no, smile kissing is wonderful kissing.

It�s amazing how he makes you feel so beautiful, and so cute and so different then you ever were before this moment. And his lips fall somewhere on your tummy, or your collarbone or the top of your head, and you know he�s in love.

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