Need A Passenger
9:59 pm - Saturday, Apr. 10, 2004

Warm nights and the thing that�s missing is Rahnia. It�s the thing in this world that I haven�t done with Chris that was always just Rahnia and I. Warm dark nights, where the city light bore into us and we could roll down all the windows and drive without real destination.

Last night was curvy roads and heat and blasting music and being alone. For some reason I�ve never been tempted by the world and the speed with Chris, it�s only with Rahnia and I. It�s only that smooth run along roads and cutting the heat by creating our own breezes and trying not to turn on the AC.

This wandering puts you at the foot of radio towers wandering through graveyards or standing in front of Pittock Mansion after dark in January.

Summer was our season. And it�s beginning to appear, and she�s not here.

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