Parents Just Don't Understand
10:39 pm - Thursday, Apr. 01, 2004

Awful, horrible fight with my father. There's the screaming and the claims I never do anything, and the slamming doors. And this time I accidentally shut my cat's tail in the door. For which I feel awful. Horrible and full of tears.

I hate that he does this to me. I hate the idea that he has that when he says shut up then it is an all holy commandment by which I must immediately abide.

I'm too old to be sent to bed, and you are not better than me. And when you claim you are because you are our father, well that's a patriarch I want no part in.

I don�t know where I am. In the place where I want someone to care more about me than themselves. I�m not saying I wasn�t in the wrong, but I wish someone were proud of me. I wish someone thought I accomplished something.

I didn�t get into USF, his school of choice, and he spent the rest of the night trying to get me to talk about what I can do next year at college to get in. I got straight A�s and he harassed me about absences.

Told me not to ask for his debit card ever again, since I used it tonight to buy shampoo. I said fine, I�ll use moms. Told me I can�t have allowance, can�t drive the car, and to go to bed. I packed instead.

All because he said clean up the kitchen and I said I already did before dinner.

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