Self Pep Talk
11:23 am - Sunday, Mar. 21, 2004

It's a once a day sort of life, and you can't take it all into your own hands. Open your sunroof, blast out your lovely, and understand, you're not done living just yet.

Hard to take sometimes, and others it's simply amazing and hard to believe, and to grasp, that the time is endless. You don't die until your time, and if you die, die trying.

Yesterday your life didn't end, your life changed. Fuck circumstances and likelyhood for once, and hold onto what you need. The world dictates, but you don't need to copy verbatem.

Whine, bitch, scream and claim it's your right, I'm handling that alright, but don't you dare try to get out of deserving the happiness and working around the sadness. Things work out so neatly in the end, it would be wrong to end them prematurly.

And, note to self, if you can't survive a year apart, you cannot survive a life together.

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