All The Best Laid Plans
12:30 pm - Saturday, Mar. 20, 2004

I shouldn't be, I should have expected it, but I didn't, and now I'm kind of heartbroken. I got rejected by University Of San Francisco, and now I'll sound all angsty about it, and whine and sound pathetic, but these means losing a lot more than a school. It's losing Chris to San Francisco, and losing the city itself, and losing my entire life plan.

I know things were doubtful to fit along that plan anyway, but this wasn't the barrier I had supposed. Few believe that someone finds love in high school or true love ever, but I know that I want to spend my life with him, and I'm not sure a more difficult barrier could have been put in my way. I know what I hoped for, what I wanted and expected, and now I feel stupid and like the lie of love is something I've fabricated to drive me, and though I don't know about that, or really what I mean anymore, I feel the hole and gap that all us patheticly emo, easily depressed children are all too familiar with.

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