I Won't (Will) and Cannot (But Will) Blame Him
9:58 pm - Thursday, Feb. 05, 2004

I don't know how to feel anymore. I know how I want to feel. And it's the same as how I think it's unfair to feel.

I want to be dissapointed, and I want to be angry, and I want him to suffer because he missed the wedding he said he'd go to with me, and he missed being there for me when my grandfather died, and he missed my Gold Key Cermoney, andhe's missed a large, large number of other days where we made plans. And now he's going to miss Valentines day.

I should just let it go right. It's my own fault for the long distance, and he has a job and that's just life. And you signed up for it Megan, signature on the line, so lets all get over it.

You're gift wasn't going to be good enough anyway. And you can't live with this your whole life. And my God, when are you just going to give up.

Say never, because you mean never, until college roles around, because if you don't choose right, then he's going to leave.

So why keep doing it. Why fight the fight until you lose?

Believe me, if I knew, I'd sit at home letting myself down instead.

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