To You Who Feels Confused
5:35 pm - Tuesday, Dec. 09, 2003

Private to those unsure about the path of their relationship:

I twist my moments like that into infidelity. I take my frustrations with the same arguments and turn them into sexual feelings for someone else. And at that point I wish I had backed out of both relationships. And I have never done that. The closest I came was leaving Adam and clinging to Kevin. Not the best way of doing, but the best decision of my life.

If you're bactracking in a relationships, if the things you've work through come back again, and if those things are fight that happen often, you may consider how much more emtional time you want to invest in this relationship. Yes, you're right when you think that even the perfect relationships have hard areas, but they grow out of them. If you feel there's not groth, but rather than a water cycle, than you should reconsider your relationship.

I just asked Chris what made out relationship worth working through, and not mine and Adams, and he said the following:

chris says:
we connect better than i've ever connected with anyone before
chris says:
your head fits perfectly on my neck when we hug
chris says:
i can make you laugh
chris says:
you can make me laugh
chris says:
i love your little songs
chris says:
i love the way you look
chris says:
you love the way i look
chris says:
you're perfect for me
Megan says:
and you're perfect for me

It may seem inconsequential to the decision you're trying to come to, but keep in mind that Chris was my best friend when we got together, and he has been an increasingly loyal, supportive and wonderfful friend, and lover, ever since. We've hard hard patches too, but as he just told me, you need to talk and face your problems head on, "if you can't talk about your problems, you're going to have a hell of a time solving them"

So if you can't talk to your signifigant other, know that the thought that a relationship might just be really great if you worked things through is not at all the same thing as actually working them through.

Let me know what you decide.

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