Have I So Little Now
4:13 pm - Wednesday, Nov. 12, 2003

Dobby and I together last night was so nice. I'm lost in how this guy who I've known only since Outdoor school can be so powerfully good for me, such a beautiful friendhsip, and those I've known years just don't understand sometimes.

My big fear here is over emphasizing our connection. Over blowing what it might be, so that I'm not in a hole in which I believe we live through instant contact and understanding and in his mind we're not even the good friends I make us out to be.

Somehow the idea that I am completely wrong is entirely too sad. I like that connection my mind has dictated. It's can't be wrong because that makes me wrong and being wrong always makes me dout so much.

For the first time since I began to trust Chris, I am going to trust what someone says and not just assume they are just spouting words in order to seem like a good person.

And he meant it, truly, when he said I make things fun.

I'm beliving because I need true friends.

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