The Posion
10:03 pm - Monday, Jul. 28, 2003
Song: The Remedy (I Won't Worry) - Jason Mraz

Why is it that people are pointlessly cruel to one another? Why is it they see someone who for some reason or another displeases them, and then act of that discrimination? When did people begin to name themselves god with right to judge everyone?

I sick of people, and wish I could move to Mars. I wish that people lived their own lives. Did their own thing. I wish people would judge only themselves. I wish people wouldn�t hold other people to their morals.

I wish you were truly free. I wish everything you said wasn�t being judged. Every word you write not being critiqued. Every life you live, I wish it weren�t wrong in someone�s eyes.

Why do people judge like so. Close their hearts so much. Mouth off so much.

Why are people so angry? When is it that anger became the fashion?

It�s pointless you know. Pointless to even wonder. People don�t change because you�re hurt by them, and people don�t change for guilt, and fuck all this because people don�t change. I�m telling you you�re weak and close minded and an all around fucking human asshole, and you have to sit and read and think I�m talking about everyone else. Because I couldn�t be referring to you. You�re good. You don�t judge. You know the kind of people I�m talking about, don�t you. And god, don�t you just hate them?

Not to say I�m any better. I asshole around like the rest of you self-involved, self-loving, self-loathing, depression, angst ridden teens who couldn�t care about someone else if they tried.

And that�s the side effect of upper middle class.

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