Steps Out The Front Door
11:07 pm - Saturday, Jul. 26, 2003
Song: Round Here - Counting Crows

I want to lie on the grass and sprinklers and rain and cry and cry and cry.

The air hung heavy in the car. I was bursting. Ripe little phrases and notes� things to say before she leaves again. Yet, it all came out wrong. The car begged for silence, and my mouth needed something to say. Needed to fill that void.

I�m still not good at this whole saying goodbye, see you in six months, and turning around to go without thinking it�ll be an eternity. Isn�t that what true adults do all the time. The later in see you later has become a much further point on the times without those you love scale.

Maybe what I�m trying to say here is sorry because I suck at goodbyes. I want to be there for you always, but you�re going off to a place that I again do not know. A place where I can�t come running for you. And I don�t want you to go for all these selfish reasons that make me feel guilty for saying goodbye sadly at all. What right have I?

I don�t know any better way of saying what I mean. Just know I love you.

And I know you�ll be up late tonight�

You can always throw pebbles at my window.

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