3:50 pm - Friday, Jun. 20, 2003
Song: Mr. Jones - Counting Crows

It feels like I�ve been crying for days. I�ve just come back from a week in Seattle, and now I can�t help being dissatisfied with here. My darling love, who held me every night, curled up with me for movies, took me to the aquarium and Mariners game� well, where is he now. At his own home, in his own town, far away from here. And I�m at my home in my town, and find that the only thing I can think of is him.

It was at the Mariners game that I realized something about him that I hadn�t before. He really would do anything for me. Love in its purest form, because he doesn�t ask for anything back, just love.

The title of boyfriend doesn�t say enough about him. When I called him my fianc�e at Target it felt right. We bought towels and sheets this week, not the work of people �dating�. Husband sums up everything I feel for him in a title and still falls short of the description. My heart feels full, my life feels complete with him, and it�s all the opposite when I�m not. What word is there to tell me everything I need others to know, the one title that they�ll all get?

Nice to meet you, this is my Chris.

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