Say It Best With Hallmark
9:45 pm - Wednesday, Jun. 04, 2003
Song: Clocks - Coldplay

It�s a twelve step program letting a friend go, especially when you�re not sure they know you�re afraid the friendship is over. Especially when you doubt they know what you�re doing.

It starts with anger, I believe. A disgust at how simply they seem to be pushing you out of their life. You want to hate them, because how could they push you to such a deep end. You have nothing there with them anymore.

Now is the time of guilt. That if you had just been more willing to try the things they liked, they would still want you around. This is the time of pissing and moaning about what a bad, bad friend you were. Cry, cry, why didn�t they choose me.

Next will come an annoying and desperate attempt to make them want you more. You�ll be the most attentive friend ever and in that� most annoying.

I think it all ends with a card of some sort.

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