Little Bits I Wish Sounded Profound
7:55 pm - Tuesday, Jun. 03, 2003
Song: Everything - Lifehouse

Just a few notes about today:

*A good boyfriend can just sense that you�re feeling unloved by everyone. Even if he doesn�t know it, he feels it, and will always say just the right thing at the right time. Even if he never does any other time.

*Being hurt by a friend because they don�t need you is ridiculous. Even if they don�t, even if they�ve found someone they�d rather hang out with, and even if you�ve been carrying a lot of resent towards them lately. At a point it�s time to let it go.

*It doesn�t matter where your best friend lives. It does matter that you keep loving them. I tend to believe that as long as you love someone, and they love you too, nothing will ever be missing when you�re together again. This applies to two people in my life.

*Crying and slamming a locker door are quick fixes to stress or upset, but tend to but other people off for the rest of the day.

*It�s not fair to complain that other people put their boyfriends first, because you do it to, admit it.

*Hair doesn�t make a person.

*Journals understand if you put them off, they understand if you don�t want to sum up, but they are always there to hear you out when you need it.

*Sometimes you just have to fish for compliments, because sometimes you just won�t believe it until you hear it from someone else.

*I�m not hurting anymore.

*Water brings peace

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