Up To Speed
7:27 am - Thursday, Jan. 16, 2003

Note to my Spanish teacher:

I�m sorry I did not attend your class yesterday. I spoke to my mother about it and she agreed that my reasons seemed well based.

My best friend, the person I have had all through high school, is moving away. She�s getting on a plane Sunday and going to Maryland and starting school there. And she wants to do this, why: because Portland schools are all going downhill. Because she thinks no colleges will take her seriously with some piece of paper that says you graduated from a PPS school, because that might not mean you�ve actually graduated. It might mean you would have but the school board is so poor at managing money that you didn�t have enough days to meet the graduation requirements.

So she�s leaving. Going to a writing magnet. And as I am leaving town today, to attend a wedding in Seattle, and returning Sunday, I have cut myself out of any of her going away activities. I attempted to get out of going to the wedding, but it�s an obligation I have to fulfill.

So, in light of all this, I chose to take your class off for one day so that I might get a last chance to be alone with my best friend (which didn�t work as well as I had hoped, as we were hardly alone) so that we could talk, and figure out what to do, at least that�s what I was doing.

I�m sorry that I missed your class, I�m sure I missed something valuable, but I need this time with my friend. Because she�s leaving my life and I don�t know how to handle that. And yes, I do think we�ll lose all that contact after the first month or so, and yes sometimes in the last couple of days I�ve been so frustrated with her I wanted her to just go and leave me be. She means everything in the world to me and I doubt I could have concentrated knowing I was missing my last moments with my closest friend ever.

So in short, I�m sorry I missed class yesterday, I wasn�t quite feeling up to speed.

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