No Analyzing The Eyes
8:58 pm - Monday, Jan. 06, 2003
Song: Life Styles Of The Rich And The Famous - Good Charlotte

Forced in art class to hold little mirrors. Look at your face. Now draw it.

I�m nauseated, and could this bring it on?

I hate my face and it�s features- nose, mouth, eyebrows. Why must we face the torture of this?

I must draw seven separate drawings. Looking at myself and despising it. I can never get the eyes right. I draw the depressed face in the mirror, and it comes out looking sly.

Opening my planner to sprawl: Art- 7 face I shudder at this. I�m sick and oh god, back at school. This place makes me melt down and wish I were more than a mere puddle here that can�t be molded by their words. Will only form with the sparked flint of interest.

I look like I haven�t slept and I�m falling here.

I want to run. Beat the sidewalk until I sink in and collapse.

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