I Need Some Words
10:43 pm - Saturday, Jan. 04, 2003

I don�t know what to say when it turns from contemplating, to being definite.

I don�t know what to say when it turns from getting better, to getting sicker.

I don�t know what to say when I feel alone, but have decided to get used to it.

I don�t know what to say when I have to say goodbye, knowing it�ll be a long time before I say hello.

I don�t know what to say when asked what is wrong, because I don�t know the answer.

I don�t know what to say when my paper journal lacks a depth of writing, yet holds me better than anything ever could.

I don�t know what to say when I know that I�m trying to break away from him, and the last thing I want is to break up like I asked.

I don�t know what to say when he sings me to sleep, or reads to me, or does it for me, because I�ve never known someone like him before.

I don�t know what to say when Monday I am faced with my reality that I only received a two-week escape from.

I don�t know what to say when I don�t even understand my life.

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