He Wasn't To Be Like Other Guys
7:04 pm - Sunday, Dec. 22, 2002
Song: As We Go Up, We Go Down - Guiding Light

Honesty is a hard attribute to find
When we all want to seem like we've got it all figured out
I may be the first to say that I don't have a clue
I don't have all the answers
And god I pretend like I do.

- Trying, Lifehouse

How often can you forgive a person, forget the lies they told you, before it gets to be too much? How many lies does it take for you to stick to your word: we�re over. I can�t trust you. I�m not sure I can believe you love me

Yet the next morning you wake up and everything is chocolate and flowers, though he hasn�t sent a thing, your heart warms like he has. You tell him you can�t be without him, that you love him too much; your life would stop without him. All you want to do is lay in his arms.

He lied and hurt you, but damn if being close won�t convince you to forget it just once more.

He�ll apologize.

Tell you you�re perfect.

And trust me, you believe him. Because you have train tickets the day after Christmas, because you miss the way he smells and feels, and because you�re either really strong, or really weak, but you refuse to walk away.

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