It's Going To Be Perfect, I Can Tell
5:07 pm - Saturday, Dec. 07, 2002

A day spent running errands and watching the Christmas lights be set up, after Kelsi left. Not exciting, but not bad. I am full of anticipation.

Tomorrow. Then I will have Chris here with me again. He can wrap those arms around me and kiss me, but then again what�s really going though my mind is my hips in his hands and his penis in me, because I�ve missed him that way too.

I want to drive him places and fulfill all our plans, because it makes me feel like a serious couple. Picturing together alone in the car is just right. It�s like being married, newly, and basking in all those simple activities you now do together.

I�m hoping for the best, and am almost guaranteed to get it because I still know he loves me.

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