There Is No Order To True Speech
11:59 pm - Friday, Dec. 06, 2002

�Sometimes if you expose your writing to other people, some of them will try to dilute you- give your words or music a nose job or a little bow tie.� -Tori Amos, SLAM

Can it be I�m holding back my words on purpose? It�s all together possible. I�ve set a high standard. Someone said they like my writing and now I�m stuck. I have to try harder and make it better because they�ll change their mind otherwise.

My writing is no longer based on me, because that person is so infused in my hands as I write. I don�t know who it is, but dammit, I�ve got to please them.

I don�t want that. I want� well� my words. I feel like I�m taking the role of my own English teacher, so I am writing to please. But I haven�t been pleased. Words can sometimes do more than a man, but I can say that because I�m getting laid. My best friend may disagree.

Poets are better and more important to the world. I am not a poet, I write without pure prose. I am just a writer and that is trash.

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