I Think I Am Back
7:36 pm - Monday, Dec. 02, 2002

I came across Diaryland each day, and yet didn�t allow the word stream. Keeping it in, I�m without deep thoughts. I had Chris and shopping. Holidays and I�ve found more important things then writing.

Yet then it falls away and the dam crumbles. My head will pound out the verbs, I feel flooded. I haven�t the need to once write the way my dear English teacher flings at us.

He�d take the robe of another to wrap around us before he�d study the pattern of our own cloaks. Ours are gray for their lack of publishing in his bland eyes. Acclaim is what makes your writing worth the words you use.

I�ve needed a vacation, so I suppose I took it. A time and trip away from words.

English teachers are supposed to inspire you to write, so I�ll admit defeat, for in a horrible twisted, ironic way; he is doing his job.

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