Fog Is Clouds
2:47 pm - Saturday, Nov. 16, 2002

I can�t get over my need for acceptance from others. I need people to tell me that they think Chris and I are cute together. I need them to say we�re good. That we should be together always.

I need to hear that I�m a decent writer. And have people relate, because otherwise it all depresses me. I can�t live with this. I need to know what I say has some meaning, despite the fact it loses it all from me. I could bleed it all out onto paper and I�d still look at it and think �Weak Megan, you can�t do shit right�. Automated responses. Automatic reactions.

I feel like I�m always staring out a window on a winter night. The outside is foggy. You try to wipe it away and soon learn you can�t wipe the air from your face. Everything is clouded and two faced. I�m an idiot and people tell I�m smart and I live off that.

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