Feel The Road
8:05 pm - Tuesday, Nov. 12, 2002

Dinner out, just my mother and I. We talked like I don�t live here- catching up on everything in one another�s lives. Am I really so disconnected that my mom has to make plans with me.

Make it a monthly thing. It was nice.

Talked about why she let me go to Seattle, no questions asked. I didn�t even have to ask to go, I just said I was.

�I know you, you need to go, you�ve got good ideas. I figured you needed a bit of freedom�

I do need to go, and move and travel. I wish I could drive because it makes me feel so much better. Things swish by. I wonder with my passion to go why I haven�t yet gone to get my license.

I was supposed to have an appointment this week, but they doubled booked and I�m on the losing end. Got to make that appointment at a for sure time, not on the ASAP list.

Then I can get behind the wheel and go off a bit by myself. Wind and windy roads, I see myself in car ads.

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