Large, But Does He Know How To Use It?
10:44 pm - Tuesday, Oct. 08, 2002

More Adam memories. It�s Michelle�s fault, because it�s easier to blame someone else. Rahnia said she was sure Chris would be happy to see all this when we got home. But oh well. My diary, right?

The correct answer is right.

I�m running through memories at high speeds. Just skimmed my freshman year diary to see what I wrote in it. Wondering what Rahnia would see if she read it. It doesn�t much matter, that was then, this is now.

I found this while going through:

Dear Dad, a poem
Oh, I sure wish you�d have a heart attack and die
sure wish you�d have a heart attack and die
yes, sure wish you�d have a heart attack and die
Just wish you�d have a heart attack and die
I know it may seem cruel, but to me the idea is fine
I sure wish you�d have a heart attack and die
a heart attack and die
a heart attack and die
a heart attack and die

I like to think I�ve grown up a bit since then.

High school makes it easy to see how you�ve matured. I�d never act many of the ways as I did with Adam now.

I look back and see all the days I wrote I hated him, then I loved him, then I was worried he didn�t love me anymore.

I was always worried he didn�t love me anymore.

I wouldn�t be thinking about these things if Shelly hadn�t reminded me of the day way back in freshman year when Adam and I had the following conversation in front of Rahnia and Shelly, and other people I�m sure.

Him: How big is it?
Me: *Monotone* Eight and a half inches
Him:: Which is?
Me:: *Monotone* Bigger than average.
Him: What else?
Me: It�s very large

He�s such a charmer, ain't he.

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