Day Trippin'
11:28 am - Saturday, Oct. 05, 2002

I don�t like the way my curtains hang, and this effects the way my room feels. The way they drape currently makes me feel shut it, and I don�t like it.

Today I have to clean, and help my mom make the house look presentable for relatives we hardly know, because they were just wed into the family.

I skipped that wedding because I had finals. Because they split them up over the weekend. I dropped a chance to travel for school.

Part of my wanting to leave is pure bitterness.

I also need to go out with Michelle today, and maybe afterwards, our Outdoor School group. A weekend together and we�re all suddenly very close. I like it.

These are people who I�ve known for years. Shelby, Michelle, Adam, and little Seany.

The only problems here lie in Adam, as always. I hate watching him around Michelle. He drapes herself on her, watches her, touches her.

She likes him too, and this I don�t mind.

She likes him, but isn�t sure she wants to go out with him. This is fine too.

But having to watch him get all over her, that�s no fun. Hanging out with couples is quite annoying.

The reason Rahnia is considering not going to Homecoming, because theirs MichelleandAdam and MeandKai. I want to make her see why she shouldn�t worry. How much of a couple will Kai and I really be.

I�m filling my mind with these assurances as well. No dreams of Chris last night, but two in which I made out with Kai. Where�s the meaning here? I know it�s different than it seems.

He�s a bad kisser in my dreams. I believe it.

I think I�ll pop my self into the warming oven that is my bad, because suddenly I�m cold despite flannel pajamas and a hoodies. I wish my windows were sealed properly.

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