Shoot For Less, Be Disappointed Less
6:30 pm - Friday, Oct. 04, 2002

Ashland trip was fun. What more to say. We ate sugar, fell asleep during all three plays, As You Like It, MacBeth, Julius Caesar. Rode our little greyhound around everywhere.

I don�t much like drama people from our school because of how extremely cliquey they tend to be. They think that what they want is want they should automatically what they should get.

And all I can do is whine about it. Say it�s not fair. Say the exact same people are in every production and that I hate high school drama departments. Really, I know that how much of acting business goes anyway.

I love to act, but I�m damn glad I never decided pursuing it as a career would be a good idea. Unlike my little brother who is so bent on it being his future career, I attempt to be more realistic than that.

Really I do.

And truly I will be a writer. And I will be a photographer for National Geographic.

I�m being down to earth here.

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