One Year, Twelve Months, Three Hundred And Sixty Five Days
11:11 pm - Wednesday, Sept. 18, 2002

I�ll take now or never, or later and tomorrow. I�m trying not to demand you fulfill my needs, but I�m having a hard time with this.

I�ve never, in all my life, met someone I love so much. Never someone I could trust so much. Never someone who I never ran out of lines for, yet never felt obligated to speak with when phone lines tied us. I never met someone who I loved to listen to as they breathed. But it tells me you�re still there� still loving me.

I don�t need to doubt you. I merely miss you. A constant ache.

Make it so I don�t want you anymore. Make all the little things you do mean nothing.

You�ll call and break into little song. You�ll try to pretend to be strong and not cry. You�ll mummer to me in such a way when I�m in tears, I can hardly figure out I�m not in your arms.

I need your touch and your kisses though. You promise by February. I know your trying.

But the date February 24th reverberates through my mind and reminds me. I�ll have been without you for a year.

I miss your kisses.

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