This Is My September 11th Post
10:09 pm - Tuesday, Sept. 10, 2002

I refuse to mention it tomorrow, because I am sure I will have enough of it shoved at me.

Wear red, white and blue.

Every stores readerboards: We wont forget.

How could we, when the media distorts the veiw, and shoves it in our face.

I don't give a damn if you live here a fucking hate America. No matter what they say on TV, that doesn't make you a horrible person.

I don't remember for America. And I don't stand proud as I watch the way my country has handled the past year. And no, I do not like the president. His fighting wars that don't belong to us, that will never make me like him.

I remember because watching the video six months later made me burst into tears. Because I went to New York, and saw the people there. I stood at ground zero and stared at the hole in the ground, and the buildings held together with wire mesh.

I remember because 5000 poeple died, and it was unfair.

This is not so much a matter of what our government does to other countries.

Learn this: The government of this country, and the people, are two diferant entities.

I'm not especially proud of my country, though I'm damn lucky to be here.

I am proud of my people.

I love you all.

Now lets see how strong I am tomorrow...

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