I Think Being A Geisha Would Be Great
9:17 am - Sunday, Sept. 08, 2002

I adore Japanese culture. And writing.

I know that doesn't seem to have ties, but I feel it does. Last night I sat third row and center in blue velvet chairs and watched a stage of multi-colored lights over the most splended Japanese drumming show.

All I wanted to do was come home and tap away at my keyboard, I was inspired. Yet I didn't, instead I slept.

School had always made me utterly exhusted, but I'm not used to not having time for writing, let alone doing all my homework after water-polo and being social.

I'm not sure if it's good or bad that I'm allowed that social time. As time goes on, I withdraw more and more. I'm just not interested in being with people. I have fun when I am, but then I start feeling sick, and have to go.

There's still much speculation in my mind about just what sort of sick I am.

Maybe today I'll spend alone, but still go out. I'd like to go to the Museam and absord more Japanese culture through the traveling exhibit they have currently, but strangely I don't want to go alone.

I'm seeking a compainion for the day.

Hopefully I can avoid fealing sick, though I blame it all, everything, on bronchitus.

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