I'll Cut Off My Ear And Send It To You
12:07 pm - Sunday, Sept. 08, 2002

There's something I find perfectly enjoyable about fingers colored with oil pastel. The sort that needs deep blending and rubs off onto my keyboard as I slam its keys down.

Through odd insperational readings of the introduction of my Art Research book, which needs reading before 2nd period tomorrow, I grabbed my oil pastels and watercolor paper and set to work.

Now I have a glowing work of art, the quickest I've ever finsished, and I adore it to no end.

I contemplated turning it in, then decided against it due to it's obvious sexual content and the fact I blush very easily, though I doubt the content would turn an art fanatic away.

In her own words Friday, "If nudity bothers you, you probably shouldn't be in this class"

She then spoke of getting nude models.

I actually find something oddly wonderful about that. Why not sketch the human body? It'll truly help in my endevors to design. What better way to piece it all together, then knowing the curves?

Part of me wants to cup breasts for up close detail, and then take a step back and examine just how they pencil breast looks next to the real.

So many parts of the body need a cupped hand, a soft finger, and delicate touch to perfect the smooth shades and lines on paper.

I like to belive I'm not losing it yet.

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